Do not stick with carpet! Here are four reasons to replace carpeting with hardwood floors by Hanwell Floor Sanding :
Did something get spilled on your carpet? Now you need to clean up any spillages and then dry the carpet. For stains such as wine, grease/tar, and Koolaid, you may need to hire a professional. Don't forget to have your carpets cleaned at least once a year, or more frequently if you are using lighter colors. Your carpets will soon look dreadful if they aren't cleaned regularly.
Tip: To avoid damage to the wood, we recommend using a vacuum with either a floor brush attachment or an electric mop. To get rid of allergens and dirt quickly, you can use a dampened mop or sponge mixed with diluted wood cleaner.
It's something we all have seen. The carpet that people use to walk on is matted down a little more than the rest. These are called traffic patterns and there's not much you can do to correct them. These are caused by years of foot traffic, which has also worn down the pad beneath the carpet. There is no other option than to replace the carpet when this happens. These large wrinkles are common in carpets and
require professional help to repair them.
Wood floors are more resilient to foot traffic than wood floors. Wood floors last a minimum of ten years before they need to be refinished or professional cleaned. It can be refinished for another ten years. You can refinish solid hardwood floors many times. The color and finish can also be changed to keep your home current.
Your carpet can quickly become a magnet to allergens, such as dust mites, pet fur, and mold spores. These can all cause inflammation in your immune system. These pesky allergens can build up in carpet fibers, and even deep within the pad. It is difficult to eradicate completely. Hardwood floors are a great option to reduce allergens in your home if you are sick of your allergies.
Are you a fan of HGTV? Do you love the hardwood floors? Are you thinking of selling your home? Hardwood floors are very popular because of their beauty, durability and longevity. Although hardwood flooring can be more expensive than carpet initially, it is worth the investment over time as it lasts longer than carpet. You can get rid of your old carpet and make your home stand out with hardwood floors.
Are you ready for a new look? Read what to expect during a wood floor installation. Contact us online to swap your carpet for hardwood floors or call us at 020 3151 83335 To schedule your complimentary consultation.